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The Casa 1 curriculum features active learning through purposeful play. Children are guided to explore, interact and exercise their creative imaginations. This hands-on method encourages children to be active participants in their learning. Every day moments become teaching moments like counting fingers and toes during a diaper change. While long term success remains a key component of our ethos, we also strongly believe that children should enjoy the process in order to effectively instill a love of learning.

Practical Life & Sensorial


We used lots of practical life and sensorial materials in our Casa 1 program as children gain control and strength of their small muscles controlling the hand, fingers, and thumb. This is a key aspect of the Montessori curriculum as it is a foundational pre-writing skill, develops coordination, and sets children up for future self-care skills. This can be supported in a variety of engaging ways that is guided by the teacher and enjoyed by BJAMS children. Threading, weaving, and manipulating small objects allow children to stimulate small muscle development while also supporting their concentration and problem-solving skills.

Open Ended Materials

Our classroom includes open-ended materials that can be manipulated in a number of ways. This allows children to problem solve and develop their critical thinking skills as they consider all of the ways that the materials can be used. Loose parts are a common example, which offers endless ways to identify, categorize and explore the materials. The opportunity for Casa 1 students is to make their own choices and problem-solve on their own. This will promote later critical thinking skills and enhances brain capacity.


Creative Expression


Studies have shown that exposing children to art and music in the early years help develop their brain capacity, fine motor development, problem-solving skills and so much more. Art and music allow children to process the world around them and express themselves in a way that other mediums cannot support. While children are still developing their language skills, there are times they cannot verbalize their wants and needs. The opportunity to process emotions through art and music is proven to support children’s future emotional intelligence. Best of all, children adore creative activities and are thrilled when our team shows off their artwork to their families through our communication Seesaw app.

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